Riba – Donate Your Interest

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Riba – Purify Your Wealth by Donating Your Interest

Riba (interest) is forbidden in Islam. Remove it from your wealth by donating it to Muslim Aid and cleanse your income. Your donation will help us carry out vital relief work, supporting essential projects and country offices worldwide.

"O you who believe, fear Allah and give up what remains of your demand for riba if you are indeed believers. If you do it not, take notice of war from Allah and His Messenger."
(Qur’an 2:278-279)

Why is Riba Haram?

Allah (SWT) has strictly prohibited receiving, paying, or benefiting from Riba. In fact, the Qur’an declares war on those who deal in interest, making it essential for Muslims to separate their wealth from Riba.

How Riba Accumulates

In today’s financial system, it is easy to unknowingly accumulate interest. Common sources of Riba include:
✔ Personal savings accounts, ISAs, and bank accounts
✔ Interest applied to credit cards, loans, and mortgages
✔ Interest earned from lending money, property, or goods

What Should I Do with Riba?

If you have acquired interest, it must be disposed of in a Shariah-compliant way. One way to do this is by donating your Riba to Muslim Aid. While this donation does not carry the reward of charity, it allows you to cleanse your income from haraam sources and use the funds to support essential administrative costs for charitable work.

👉 Donate Riba Now

The Wisdom Behind the Prohibition of Riba

Riba is a form of economic exploitation, unfairly burdening the poor while benefiting the wealthy. Islam encourages fairness and charity to uplift those in need, which is why interest-based transactions are strictly forbidden. By eliminating Riba, we protect the most vulnerable and promote ethical financial practices.

How Will My Riba Donation Be Used?

Riba donations will strictly be used for essential administrative costs, such as:
✔ Payment processing fees
✔ Operational support for humanitarian projects

💡 Note: Riba funds will never be used for religious purposes, such as building mosques or purchasing Qur’ans.

Purify Your Wealth – Donate Your Riba Today

Ensure your income remains free from prohibited earnings and help us continue delivering life-saving aid worldwide. Donate your interest now.